Refuting Attacks on Islam on Yahoo Answers April

1) No it is Not Misogynist at all. Femism has lead to the enslavement of women as is now obvious from the excessive amount of porn available in the world, Islaam has true women rights and responsibilities, so its not that Islaam is wrong on this issue, but its that the West is wrong in its understanding of women, right and responsibilities.

Also another interpretation of this narration is that, women are weaker by their nature (as a general rule), therefore this narration is not as much a criticism of women than it is men. This means that women have been given an excuse by God, for being weak, but was is the excuse for man ? He has none, therefore if he is lead astray by women, then he needs to re-adjust his thoughts.

So we see the suffragettes, a movement which called for basic womens rights, and it gave it to them, then the men allowed the women to overpower them and now you see the decay of the moral standing of society, the women dress and do as they please, no famili co-hesion etc.

2) Statement of unbeliever invalid ? As far as I know (to my limited knowledge) this is not true at all, infact there was a Muslim and a Jew who took a case to the prophet Muhammed (Saw) who settled the case saying that the Jew was right. Then the Muslim not happy with the verdict went to Umar (ra) for a second opinion. Umar (ra) chopped the head of the Muslim off, saying that if you can disobey a direct ruling of the prophet so clear and directed to you, then death is the only thing that will settle your dispute.

3) No this does not mean that Iblis was an angel as there were only two species at the time, Angel and Jinn - all of them prostrate, everything prostrate except Iblis. Its a simple exclusion statement.

Consider, you are in a school teacher students and Jim. It would be easier to say, all but Jim sat down, rather than the year 7 8 9 10 11 and all the humanity teacher, science maths and philosphy teachers sat down except Jim. Its a to the point statement

4) Compensation is one of three options. The options are in no paticular order

(a) An eye for an eye (your going to say that is too extreme - Imagine the pain of the family though

(b) Compensation (Not everyone is rich and has financiers like your grandmother - so it maybe that they need the money more than anything else)

(c) To forgive them (Now you are going to say its too soft)

So Islaam gives options, there are other things such as imprisonment etc, its a proper system, and ultimatley the family of the victim have a say in what type of punishment (if any) the offender must serve - if you ask me - that is ultimate justice - unlike here in the UK, where rapists and murderers serve a sentence of 8 years, and the family are left feeling hard done by the so called "justice system"

(5) Aisha (ra) - Well why don't you look at the ultimate facts of the marriage - they were happy. This is not so common in Western world anymore where divorce rates are stupidly high. Also you have to be able to define marriage. In Islaam marriage means that two people are halal to one another, they can sit, and be free amongst one another. It does NOT mean sex. And so Aisha was married at 6

Another point is the marriage was consumated (they had relations) once Aisha was biologically active, this in any science book means that a female is ready to reproduce, and therefore entered womanhood, taking this into consideration and the fact of low life expectancy, you should not see any problems. Regardless of age.

(5) Slavery is allowed in Islaam - no one is shy to admit this, but there are rules, such as the slave must eat what you (the master) eats, wear what you wear and eat with you, furthermore to this they should not be given jobs which they are not capable to do, and if you do give them such a job then you must help them in it.

It is not like the western style slavery where you saw black slaves beaten and reared like dogs.

Final point on this topic is that Islaam actively encouraged the freeing of slaves, promising great rewards for those who do free slaves.

(6) A slave woman will have natural urges just like any other human being, therefore it is allowed for her to satisfy her urges. Islaam allows this, there is no issue here.

You additional details are baseless and childish at best. I refuse to write any more, but if we had this discussion in real life, I would have made you look very silly.
Just to highlight your stupidity and complete lack of any form of credible information, a slave woman can have an Islamically legally binding halal relationship with a slave man.


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