
Showing posts from March, 2011

Sermons Khutba in Mosques Should Evolve from History of Islam During Prophet Muhammed Time to Basic of Islam Faith

Sermons and khutba in Mosques is in crises in a sense. It should evolve from recounting history of Islam and the battles during Prophet Muhammed times to the basic teaching of the Islamic faith. Such emphasis on the battle with Kufar is over and gives falsely the impression that Islam is about wars. The teaching and virtues of Islam and the corner stone of faith should be the main emphasis. The need of modernization can not wait and there is no such luxury.

The Concept of God in Islam

The most concise definition of God in Islam is given in the four verses of Surah Ikhlas which is Chapter 112 of the Qur’an: "Say: He is Allah,The One and Only."Allah, the Eternal, Absolute."He begets not, nor is He begotten.And there is none like unto Him."[Al-Qur’an 112:1-4] The word ‘Assamad’ is difficult to translate. It means ‘absolute existence’, which can be attributed only to Allah (swt), all other existence being temporal or conditional. It also means that Allah (swt) is not dependant on any person or thing, but all persons and things are dependant on Him. God does not take human form: Some may argue that God does not become a human being but only takes a human form. If God only takes a human form but does not become a human being, He should not possess any human qualities. We know that all the ‘God-men’, have human qualities and failings. They have all the human needs such as the need to eat, sleep, etc. The worship of God in human form is therefore a logic...

Quraan Down Load Koran Qoran

The Rights of Women in Islam

======================================… THE RIGHT OF A MUSLIM WOMAN IS TO BE RESPECTED FOR HER MIND AND FOR BEING HER OWN PERSON- Islam Gives Men and Women Equal Rights "O You who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will, and you should not treat them with harshness,… And live with them honorably. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing and God brings through it a great deal of good." (Quran- 4:19) 1. The RIGHT and duty to acquire education. 2. The RIGHT to have her own independent property. 3. The RIGHT to work [job or business] to earn money, which she keeps. 4. The RIGHT to equal reward for equal deed and/or work. 5. The RIGHT to express her opinion. 6. The RIGHT to argue and/or advocate her cause or opinion to be heard. 7. The RIGHT to vote since 579 A.D. 8. The RIGHT to provisions from her husband for all her needs and more. 9. The RIGHT to negotiate marriage terms of her choice. 10.The RIGHT to obtain divorce from her husband, even ...

There is a Need for Liberated Islam

There is need for liberated Islam. In such case a new look of how Islam is practiced. An example for such thing is a Fatwa from a Sheikh, no disrespect, he decreed that it is permissible for some one to have Islamic songs. So why such the fuss? why there is a need for a decree? This goes without need to discussion? Not only some one sings Islamic songs but there should be both Muslim men and women singing together dressing very nice in beautiful colors and musical instruments and nice tunes. These Muslim young men and women should enjoy religious songs. An example the Bosnian Islamic songs of young men and women are the most beautiful. However, this Bosnia how about the other 54 Islamic countries? not only that but for Islamic community through out the world.